Efektivitas Media Sosial dan Teknologi Informasi terhadap Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Operasional Transaksi Jual Beli Online


  • Aditya Ramadhan Aditya IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon




Jual Beli, Media Sosial, Teknologi Informasi.


Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana perkembangan teknologi infromasi terhadap perilaku konsumtif masyarakat dalam transaksi jual beli online. Dengan menggunakan metode library reseacrh melalui pendekatan kualitatif dapat menemukan suatu hasil. perkembangan ekonomi digital di Indonesia telah menciptakan terobosan baru dalam interaksi bisnis ke bisnis dan bisnis ke pelanggan. Namun, terdapat kendala dalam praktik bisnis online seperti ketersediaan barang yang harus dijual menjadi kendala utama bagi para penjual. Selain itu, perilaku konsumtif seseorang dapat disebabkan karena kurangnya pemahaman untuk dapat membedakan antara kebutuhan dan keinginan. Oleh karena itu, pentingnya literasi ekonomi bagi seseorang adalah untuk mengurangi perilaku konsumtif seseorang yang berdampak negatif.


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Kadiyono, A. L., Sulistiobudi, R. A., Haris, I., Abdul Wahab, M. K., Ramdani, I., Purwanto, A., ... & Sumartiningsih, S. (2020). Develop Leadership Style Model for Indonesian Teachers Performance in Education 4.0 Era. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(9).

Maesaroh, S., Asbari, M., Hutagalung, D., Mustofa, M., Agistiawati, E., Basuki, S., ... & Chidir, G. (2020). PengaruhReligiusitas dan Kepemimpinan Transformasional terhadap KinerjaGuru melalui Mediasi Organizational Citizenship Behavior. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 276-290.

Muliati, L., Asbari, M., Nadeak, M., Novitasari, D., & Purwanto, A. (2022). Elementary School Teachers Performance: How The Role of Transformational Leadership, Competency, and Self-Efficacy?. International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 3(1), 158-166.

Purwanto, A., Novitasari, D., & Asbari, M. (2022). Tourist Satisfaction and Performance of Tourism Industries: How The Role of Innovative Work Behaviour, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour?. Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research, 3(1), 1-12.

Purwanto, A., Purba, J.T., Bernarto, I., Sijabat, R. (2023b). The Role of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Citi-zenship Behavior, Innovative Work Behavior, Leader Member Exchange, Organizational Commitment. Quality Work Life and Digital Transformation on Private University Performance. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 17(4), e03365. https://doi.org/10.24857/rgsa.v17n427.

Purwanto, A., Purba, J.T., Bernarto, I., Sijabat, R.(2023).Investigating the role digital transformation and human resource management on the performance of the universities.International Journal of Data and Network Science,7(4), DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2023.6.011

Utomo, H. J. N., Irwantoro, I., Wasesa, S., Purwati, T., Sembiring, R., & Purwanto, A. (2023). Investigating The Role of Innovative Work Behavior, Organizational Trust, Perceived Organizational Support: An Empirical Study on SMEs Performance. Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, 11(2), e417. https://doi.org/10.55908/sdgs.v11i2.417

Wanasida, A. S., Bernarto, I., Sudibjo, N., & Purwanto, A. (2021). The Role of Business Capabilities in Supporting Organization Agility and Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study in Indonesia. Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business, 897-911.

Wijayaa, O., Sulistiyanib, S., Pudjowatic, J., Kurniasih, N., & Purwanto, A. (2021). The role of social media marketing, entertainment, customization, trendiness, interaction and word-of-mouth on purchase intention: An empirical study from Indonesian smartphone consumers. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 5(3), 231-238.

Asbari, M., Novitasari, D., Purwanto, A., Fahmi, K., & Setiawan, T. (2021). Self-leadership to Innovation: The Role of Knowledge Sharing. International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 2(5), 21-36.

Fayzhall, M., Purwanto, A., Asbari, M., Goestjahjanti, F. S., Winanti, W., Yuwono, T., ... & Suryani, P. (2020). Transformational versus Transactional Leadership: Manakah yang Mempengaruhi Kepuasan Kerja Guru?. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 256-275.

Juwaini, A., Chidir, G., Novitasari, D., Iskandar, J., Hutagalung, D., Pramono, T., ... & Purwanto, A. (2022). The role of customer e-trust, customer e-service quality and customer e-satisfaction on customer e-loyalty. International journal of data and network science, 6(2), 477-486.

Kadiyono, A. L., Sulistiobudi, R. A., Haris, I., Wahab, M. K. A., Ramdani, I., Purwanto, A., ... & Sumartiningsih, S. (2020). Develop leadership style model for indonesian teachers performance in Education 4.0 era. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(9), 363-373.

Maesaroh, S., Asbari, M., Hutagalung, D., Mustofa, M., Agistiawati, E., Basuki, S., ... & Chidir, G. (2020). PengaruhReligiusitas dan Kepemimpinan Transformasional terhadap KinerjaGuru melalui Mediasi Organizational Citizenship Behavior. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 276-290.

Muliati, L., Asbari, M., Nadeak, M., Novitasari, D., & Purwanto, A. (2022). Elementary School Teachers Performance: How The Role of Transformational Leadership, Competency, and Self-Efficacy?. International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 3(1), 158-166.

Nadeak, M., Widodo, A., Asbari, M., Novitasari, D., & Purwanto, A. (2021). Understanding the links between coaching, OCB, and individual performance among MSME employees. International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 2(4), 65-80.

Novitasari, D., Haque, M. G., Supriatna, H., Asbari, M., & Purwanto, A. (2021). Understanding the links between charismatic leadership, intrinsic motivation and tacit knowledge sharing among MSME employees. International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 2(3), 1-13.

Novitasari, D., Haque, M. G., Supriatna, H., Asbari, M., & Purwanto, A. (2021). Understanding the links between charismatic leadership, intrinsic motivation and tacit knowledge sharing among MSME employees. International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 2(3), 1-13.

Oscarius Yudhi Ari Wijaya, A. P., Sulistiyani, S., Pudjowati, J., Kartikawati, T. S., Kurniasih, N., & Purwanto, A. (2021). The role of social media marketing, entertainment, customization, trendiness, interaction and word-of-mouth on purchase intention: An empirical study from Indonesian smartphone consum e. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 5(3), 231-238.

Purwanto, A., Novitasari, D., & Asbari, M. (2022). Tourist Satisfaction and Performance of Tourism Industries: How The Role of Innovative Work Behaviour, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour?. Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research, 3(1), 1-12.

Purwanto, A., Haque, M. G., Sunarsi, D., & Asbari, M. (2021). The role of brand image, food safety, awareness, certification on halal food purchase intention: An empirical study on Indonesian consumers. Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research, 2(3), 42-52.

Purwanto, H., Fauzi, M., Wijayanti, R., Al Awwaly, K. U., Jayanto, I., Purwanto, A., ... & Hartuti, E. T. K. (2020). Developing model of halal food purchase intention among indonesian non-muslim consumers: an explanatory sequential mixed methods research. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(10).

Purwanto, A. (2020). Effect of compensation and organization commitment on tournover intention with work satisfaction as intervening variable in indonesian industries. Sys Rev Pharm, 11(9), 287-298.

Purwanto, A., & Asbari, M. (2020). Model Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Authentic, Authoritarian, Tansformational, Transactional Berpengaruh Terhadap Kinerja: Studi Pada Kinerja Dosen Perguruan Tinggi di Jawa Tengah. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 227-245.

Supriadi, O., Musthan, Z., Sa'odah, N., Haryanti, Y. D., Rafid Marwal, M., Purwanto, A., ... & Sumartiningsih, S. (2020). Did transformational, transactional leadership style and organizational learning influence innovation capabilities of school teachers during covid-19 pandemic?. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 299-311.

Wanasida, A. S., Bernarto, I., Sudibjo, N., & Purwanto, A. (2021). The role of business capabilities in supporting organization agility and performance during the COVID-19 pandemic: An empirical study in Indonesia. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(5), 897-911.

Zaman, M., Novitasari, D., Goestjahjanti, F. S., Fahlevi, M., Nadeak, M., Fahmi, K., ... & Asbari, M. (2020). Effect of Readiness to Change and Effectiveness of Transformational Leadership on Workers’ Performance during Covid-19 Pandemic. Solid State Technology, 63(1), 185-200.

Zaman, M., Novitasari, D., Goestjahjanti, F. S., Fahlevi, M., Nadeak, M., Fahmi, K., ... & Asbari, M. (2020). Effect of Readiness to Change and Effectiveness of Transformational Leadership onWorkers’ Performance during Covid-19 Pandemic. Solid State Technology, 63(1s), 185-200.

Asbari, M., Novitasari, D., Purwanto, A., Fahmi, K., & Setiawan, T. (2021). Self-leadership to Innovation: The Role of Knowledge Sharing. International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 2(5), 21-36.

Asbari, M., Nurhayati, W., Purwanto, A., & Putra, F. (2020). Pengaruh Genetic Personality dan Authoritative Parenting Style terhadap Pendidikan Karakter di Aya Sophia Islamic School. Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan, 4(1), 142-155.

Fayzhall, M., Purwanto, A., Asbari, M., Basuki, S., Mustofa, M., Hutagalung, D., ... & Andriyani, Y. (2020). Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kapabilitas Inovasi Guru Dalam Perspektif Organizational Learning. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 64-91.

Kadiyono, A. L., Sulistiobudi, R. A., Haris, I., Wahab, M. K. A., Ramdani, I., Purwanto, A., ... & Sumartiningsih, S. (2020). Develop leadership style model for indonesian teachers performance in Education 4.0 era. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(9), 363-373.

Maesaroh, S., Asbari, M., Hutagalung, D., Mustofa, M., Agistiawati, E., Basuki, S., ... & Chidir, G. (2020). PengaruhReligiusitas dan Kepemimpinan Transformasional terhadap KinerjaGuru melalui Mediasi Organizational Citizenship Behavior. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 276-290.

Nadeak, M., Widodo, A., Asbari, M., Novitasari, D., & Purwanto, A. (2021). Understanding the links between coaching, OCB, and individual performance among MSME employees. International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 2(4), 65-80.

Novitasari, D., Haque, M. G., Supriatna, H., Asbari, M., & Purwanto, A. (2021). Understanding the links between charismatic leadership, intrinsic motivation and tacit knowledge sharing among MSME employees. International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 2(3), 1-13.

Oscarius Yudhi Ari Wijaya, A. P., Sulistiyani, S., Pudjowati, J., Kartikawati, T. S., Kurniasih, N., & Purwanto, A. (2021). The role of social media marketing, entertainment, customization, trendiness, interaction and word-of-mouth on purchase intention: An empirical study from Indonesian smartphone consum e. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 5(3), 231-238.

Purwanto, A., Haque, M. G., Sunarsi, D., & Asbari, M. (2021). The role of brand image, food safety, awareness, certification on halal food purchase intention: An empirical study on Indonesian consumers. Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research, 2(3), 42-52.

Purwanto, A., & Asbari, M. (2020). Model Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Authentic, Authoritarian, Tansformational, Transactional Berpengaruh Terhadap Kinerja: Studi Pada Kinerja Dosen Perguruan Tinggi di Jawa Tengah. EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 227-245.

Purwanto, A. (2020). Effect of compensation and organization commitment on tournover intention with work satisfaction as intervening variable in indonesian industries. Sys Rev Pharm, 11(9), 287-298.

Purwanto, H., Fauzi, M., Wijayanti, R., Al Awwaly, K. U., Jayanto, I., Purwanto, A., ... & Hartuti, E. T. K. (2020). Developing model of halal food purchase intention among indonesian non-muslim consumers: an explanatory sequential mixed methods research. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy, 11(10).

Purwanto, A. (2020). Did transformational, transactional leadership style and organizational learning influence innovation capabilities of school teachers during covid-19 pandemic?. Sys Rev Pharm, 11(9), 299-311.

Purwanto, A., Novitasari, D., & Asbari, M. (2022). Tourist Satisfaction and Performance of Tourism Industries: How The Role of Innovative Work Behaviour, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour?. Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management Research, 3(1), 1-12.

Wanasida, A. S., Bernarto, I., Sudibjo, N., & Purwanto, A. (2021). The role of business capabilities in supporting organization agility and performance during the COVID-19 pandemic: An empirical study in Indonesia. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(5), 897-911.

Zaman, M., Novitasari, D., Goestjahjanti, F. S., Fahlevi, M., Nadeak, M., Fahmi, K., ... & Asbari, M. (2020). Effect of Readiness to Change and Effectiveness of Transformational Leadership onWorkers’ Performance during Covid-19 Pandemic. Solid State Technology, 63(1s), 185-200.



How to Cite

Aditya, A. R. (2023). Efektivitas Media Sosial dan Teknologi Informasi terhadap Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Operasional Transaksi Jual Beli Online. Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA), 2(3), 65–70. https://doi.org/10.4444/jisma.v2i3.385


