Urgensi Pemimpin Adil dan Berpengetahuan Luas: Perspektif Anies Baswedan
The study aims to find out how to be a fair and knowledgeable leader. This report uses a qualitative descriptive method by listening closely because the data source was obtained by listening to the oral narrative from the CXO Media YouTube channel entitled "Becoming a Fair and Knowledgeable Leader" presented by Anies Baswedan. The results of this study explain that becoming a leader is not an easy matter. Never mind carrying out daily activities as a leader. Finding a position called "leader" is also equally difficult. Leadership is an important element in a company, because without leadership from a leader, a company will experience setbacks. Many have noted that leadership can influence organizational performance. However, the challenge becomes greater when you are required to be a fair leader. This research begins with the emergence of a revolution to become a just leader through education and has the aim of making education in Indonesia better and more equitable to all corners of Indonesia, as well as sharing the values that are instilled in living life and pursuing dreams.
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