Filosofi Teras: Filsafat Kuno untuk Mental Tangguh Masa Kini




Action, Attitude, Self-development, Thought


The aim of this study is to review the book as an effort to explore and understand the scientific narrative of the book "Core Philosophy: Ancient Greco-Roman Philosophy for Today's Resilient Mentality" written by  Henry Manampiring. This descriptive qualitative research examines the relationship between young people's personalities and today's mental toughness. This study uses a qualitative content analysis approach carried out on the book above. The author also uses secondary data sources from various articles and books related to the research object. This book is a self-development book that discusses aspects of life that are controlled through actions, attitudes and thoughts. This book invites readers to carry out an in-depth analysis of themselves in order to find their "true self".


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How to Cite

Limbong, A. M., & Asbari, M. . (2024). Filosofi Teras: Filsafat Kuno untuk Mental Tangguh Masa Kini. Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA), 3(4), 18–25.




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